About Us


The first release of HealthWRQS was in 2005, in response to requests from public health professionals for better access to data to support community health assessment and improvement. 

Since that time, the system has undergone many revisions and updates and is now focused primarily on the access to data and information from the NH Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The flexibility of the system allows the user to create a suite of reports, customized for their information needs (e.g., about risk factors and results of particular chronic conditions) for their particular geographic area and time period of interest. 


Our Team

  • Josephine Porter, MPH, former Director of IHPP
  • Amy Costello, MPH, Director of Health Analytics and Informatics, IHPP
  • Chris White, Health Analytics Operations Manager, IHPP
  • Bethany Swanson, LMSW-CC, Project Director, IHPP
  • Erica-Lyn Plante, MS, Senior Scientific Analyst, IHPP
  • Divyalata Godavarti, former Health Analytics Intern, IHPP
  • Erin Dame, Information Technologist IV, UNH Research Computing Center
  • Andrew Chalsma, Director of Data Analytics and Reporting, NH DHHS